First Church of Christ, Scientist
Big Bear Lake, CA
Our services are designed to help all of us learn more about God and how His love enhances and heals our lives.
We would enjoy seeing you at any of our services and answering any questions you may have.
Our Sunday / Sunday School Services
are held in our Reading Room building
at 10:00 AM
It's a time for reflection, renewal and healing. If you're attending for the first time you will recognize familiar elements - hymns, prayer, readings from the Bible, a warm sense of fellowship. Our services are unique in that we don’t have personal preachers or pastors conducting the services. Our Pastor is the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which is our textbook of Christian Science. On Sundays, two Readers, who are elected from the membership to serve in that capacity, conduct services that are based on weekly Bible Lessons that are studied by Christian Scientists around the world. The lessons address topics such as God, Christ Jesus, Man and Love.
There is a simplicity to the services that is very much in keeping with the earliest Christian gatherings where love and healing were at the heart of worship.
Wednesday Testimony Meetings
Held in our Reading Room at 3:30 PM
On Wednesday afternoons we gather for an informal mid-week meeting with inspiring readings from the Bible and the Science in Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. During this service we also sing hymns. A portion of the meeting is always set aside for people to give thanks for blessings and healing experiences that have resulted from their prayers and their study of Christian Science.
Tenets of The Mother Church
The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass.
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God's image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus' atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man's unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.